Tag Archive for: CYBERCRIME

Activities of the SectorJ17 hacking group aimed at stealing user information

At the end of 2019, a hacking activity of SectorJ17 group targeting manufacturing and other industrial facilities in South Korea was found.
The SectorJ17 group is a cybercrime hacking group aimed at earning monetary profit. They have been active since 2014 until now and more active activities have been found since 2018.

Hagga of SectorH01 continues abusing Bitly, Blogger and Pastebin to deliver RevengeRAT and NanoCore

“Hagga” is the username of a Pastebin account used since December last year by a pervasive known group of threat actors which targets thousands of users around the world both for cyber espionage and cyber crime purposes using malspam. Their activities were first discovered in 2017, and the ThreatRecon Team tracks both this group and the members behind “Hagga” collectively as the SectorH01 group.

SectorJ04 Group’s Increased Activity in 2019

SectorJ04 is a Russian-based cybercrime group that began operating about five years ago and conducted hacking activities for financial profit using malware such as banking trojans and ransomware against national and industrial sectors located across Europe, North America and West Africa.