Hacking Activity of SectorC Group in 2019

A total of 11 subgroups of SectorC have been found to date. In 2019, the activities of the SectorC01 group were most prominent, followed by the activities of the SectorC08 and SectorC02 groups. SectorC groups conduct extensive hacking activities around the world, and their activities are mainly found in SectorC’s neighboring countries.

Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, December 2019

This is a summary of activity of suspected state sponsored Threat Actor Groups analyzed by the ThreatRecon Team, based on data and information collected from November 21 to December 20, 2019.

Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, November 2019

This is a summary of activity of suspected state sponsored Threat Actor Groups analyzed by the ThreatRecon Team, based on data and information collected from October 21 to November 20, 2019.

Hacking Activity of SectorD Group in 2019

A total of 15 subgroups of SectorD have been found to date. They perform hacking activities for the purpose of gathering high-quality information such as politics and diplomacy about individuals or countries that oppose the SectorD government. This article presents a summary of monthly activities of the SectorD Group which were discovered in 2019.

Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, October 2019

This is a summary of activity of suspected state sponsored Threat Actor Groups analyzed by the ThreatRecon Team, based on data and information collected from September 21 to October 20, 2019.

Threat Actor Targeting Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Figures

At the end of October, a person deeply involved in the pro-democracy side of the Hong Kong protests received a spear phishing email from someone claiming to be a law student at a top foreign university, requesting for feedback on his supposed thesis which includes recommendations on how to end the Hong Kong unrest. The email contained a link to a Google drive ZIP file.

Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, September 2019

This is a summary of activity of suspected state sponsored Threat Actor Groups analyzed by the ThreatRecon Team, based on data and information collected from August 21 to September 20, 2019.

SectorD01: When anime goes cyber

Multiple organizations in Kuwait have been targeted since 2018 by a threat actor we track as SectorD01, whose primary targets appear to be located in the Middle East but also observed by us to target North America, Europe, South Asia and East Asia in other campaigns. In this analysis we will briefly go through some of the tools used by this threat actor in the campaign which are named Sakabota, Diezen, Gon, Hisoka, Netero, and EYE, and explain how these tools are linked to each other and to other activity in the region.

Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, August 2019

This is a summary of activity of suspected state sponsored Threat Actor Groups analyzed by the ThreatRecon Team, based on data and information collected from July 21 to August 20, 2019.

Hagga of SectorH01 continues abusing Bitly, Blogger and Pastebin to deliver RevengeRAT and NanoCore

“Hagga” is the username of a Pastebin account used since December last year by a pervasive known group of threat actors which targets thousands of users around the world both for cyber espionage and cyber crime purposes using malspam. Their activities were first discovered in 2017, and the ThreatRecon Team tracks both this group and the members behind “Hagga” collectively as the SectorH01 group.